Hatsuyukihai has always used traditional methods to press the sake.
Only with these painstaking and time-consuming processes can the true depth of sake emerge. Each step requires the touch and judgement of the master brewer.
We make various types of sake including daiginjo, junmai daiginjo, ginjo, genshu and nigorizake. We aim to make each product suitable both for enjoyment on its own, and as a companion to food.

終戦後、昭和30年に酒造家4社が集まり合同で設立されたのが『協和酒造株式会社』です。その時、合同銘柄として『黒松 初雪』の製造を開始し地元の方からは『初雪さん』と親しまれていました。
しかし、商標登録不備により『黒松 初雪』の販売を停止。昭和46年に『初雪盃』として商標登録し現在に至っております。
The origin of Kyouwa Shuzou goes back to the sake brewing Ochi clan, which obtained a brewing license on October 25, 1887. Founded as Mitani Shuzoten, the brewery made sake until 1943 when it was forced to close due to the war situation.
After the war in 1955, four brewing families got together to form Kyowa Shuzo Co., Ltd. They began brewing sake under the name Kuromatsu Hatsuyuki (the first snow on the black pine), which earned the nickname Hatsuyuki-san from the locals.
But due to trademark issues, sales under the name Kuromatsu Hatsuyuki had to stop. In 1971 the sake was trademarked Hatsuyukihai (a glass of the first snow), and we’ve produced our sake under that name since.
The name Hatsuyukihai recalls the towering, sacred peak of Mt. Fuji, bedecked with snow.